Recipe for Homemade Veal Pate

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Рецепта за Ястие с домашен Телешки Пастет

Necessary products:

  • Veal pate
  • Baguette for toast
  • Arugula and baby spinach for salad
  • Oil and balsamic vinegar for dressing
  • Fresh parsley and thyme for garnish
  • Salt and pepper

Method of preparation:

  1. Preparing the Baguette:
    • Cut the baguettes into slices and toast them in a toaster or on a dry pan until they become crispy.
  2. Preparation of the salad:
    • Mix arugula and baby spinach in a salad bowl. Prepare a light dressing of oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper and toss the salad with it.
  3. Serving:
    • Spread a thick layer of veal pate on each slice.
    • Arrange the sandwiches on a large plate along with the salad.
    • Garnish with fresh parsley and thyme.

190g Beef pate from Black Angus liver in jars

71.99 лв 79.99 лв
71.99 лв 79.99 лвyou save 8.00 лв

Details for veal pate in jars

100% Veal pate100% Healthy without preservativesWith spicesDelivery in special food boxesFor direct consumption
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